As the title says really. I just watched an hour long programme on the SAS, was a great watch, actually, just about selection and training, you can watch that here if interested. I never had any desires to become a part of the SAS but after watching the programme, I'm sat here in self pity wishing I never threw away my dream of becoming a Royal Marine, I've been kicking myself for that for the last 3 years for it. That's the worst thing I've done and will always regret not retrying to get in. The best thing I've done though, is trade my dream of being a RM for my fiance, a degree and a tonne of debt lol how fucked up is that!? Anything you deeply regret? Also state the best thing that's ever happened to you (excluding kids and grandkids because that's an obvious winner ) so we can maintain a level of positivity.
What's the worst & best thing you ever did? kinda gonna answer both here got .. 72.chicken noodle soup £1.50 tattooed on my arm !
What's the worst & best thing you ever did? english haha long story short was full of acid the night before lost a bet and had to get a chinese tat... didnt know they meant in chinese though ! awell if u cant have a laugh its bad day
What's the worst & best thing you ever did? Best thing was passing out as a Royal Marine Worst thing was breaking my back which ended being a Royal Marine. But I believe everything happens for a reason, I have to otherwise I'd go mental.
What's the worst & best thing you ever did? meeting my ex was best and worse, or getting into bodybuilding
What's the worst & best thing you ever did? best thing is my kids, fukin amazing things. the love you have for them is undescribable, ironically i just described it as undescribable, you know what i mean.
What's the worst & best thing you ever did? your right it does mate, my grandad told me that when i found out he had cancer... now as a tribute to him i have everything happens for a reason tattoed down the outside of my arm
What's the worst & best thing you ever did? You cnut!! Sorry about being discharged though. I failed the PRMC (I just was nowhere near CV fit enough) they told me to go back and retry in 6 months but by then too much personal/family stuff had gone down, hadn't done any training in 6 months either so was in even worse state, got a job in a coffee house and sat there for 2 years. Cannot believe I didn't retry. But as you say, everything happens for a reason, wouldn't have met the Mrs. Or be on this degree that I love so much.............................................. .
What's the worst & best thing you ever did? Buying a motorbike/falling off it at 80mph. If I didn't I may not have met my wife... What a soppy cnut