I have these hard pebbles under both my nipples that make my chest look pointy (ruining my aesthetics, brahs lol). So i had my doctor's appointment this morning, and as I predicted, she blamed it on the supps I'm taking (creo, whey, fat burners, etc). I'm going in for a blood test this Sunday to check hormone levels and see whats up. Anyone ever had this problem before and seen a doctor about it? What was the treatment plan they offered you? Thanks
Went to the doctor today to clarify, she didn't COMPLETELY blame it on the supps, she just said she's "not too fond of them". I actually held back from telling her about the fat burner I'm taking (LX). I saw though on the directions for the blood test that they will be doing something with cortisol, which is blocked by LX, so I'm kind of worried I didn't speak up.
Went to the doctor today gyno. Don't tell docs about your supplementation during the tests unless they affect your hormones. My endo couldn't figure the cause of mine and used my supps as the scapegoat.
Went to the doctor today Hell, I don't even tell my doctors I take a multi any more. I did once and they wrote it down, documented it, and continue to ask me if I still take it every time I visit.
Went to the doctor today I'm no doctor, but I have noticed that you guys throw gyno around on this forum like it's nothing lol. It's actually a pretty rare disease. And there is medication that can be used to treat it without surgey (nolvadex i think its called?). Also, gyno is soft and tender, this tissue is hard and firm.
Went to the doctor today Not sure what you are on about. Gyno is extremely common, about 40% of males have it or eventually develop it IIRC. It cannot be treated with medication, it's glandular tissue.
Went to the doctor today With my shirt off, its almost impossible to tell that my nipples are slightly pointy. The thing is, its not even the nipple itself. The nipple isn't puffy or irritated or anything, its just the tissue underneath it. With a tight, white shirt on though, its reasonably noticable. You can't see it if you stand in front of me, but looking from a side view, it is possible to see. idk, I looked up gyno and symptoms and such, and I really dont think its that, or at least i hope not!
Went to the doctor today Gyno is literally just glandular breast tissue under your nipples. If you have that, you have gyno. No doctor who wants to keep their licence will prescribe you medication, you will have to get surgery if you want it fixed.