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    Discussion in 'General Chat' started by mosikiw, Aug 27, 2023.

    1. mosikiw

      mosikiw Guest

      So I'm curious what everyone's thoughts are on marijuana use and building muscle. I like to get high but sometimes I avoid it because it can make me experience anxiety which I assume increases cortisol. To my knowledge, we know that's not good for building muscle when you not actively tearing tissue during training for example. Also, it's anti-inflammatory so I avoid using it around training. Usually, wait for 2hrs posts before getting high.
    2. mosikiw

      mosikiw Guest

      Thanks in advance for any help
      Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2023
    3. Kris/Kristina

      Kris/Kristina Member

      Jan 2025
      Likes Received:
      I never liked the smell of pot so it's not for me. While edibles and other things may not be nearly as smelly, I don't want that either, lol.

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