So my scale is not changing ... (i know first response is im eatting to much) i count calories using fat secert i stay under 2300 cals at or above 200 grams of protein and at or above 90 grams of fat. im 6'5" 254 down from 276 at the beginning of the year. Yes i lift 3 times a week and heavy. Last month my weight bounced back and forth from 261 to 259 until one week i looked up and dropped 6 pounds. Since then for the last two weeks my bodys been doing the same thing 253 to 254. this last week I got a bunch of complements on my weight loss and im noticing my clothes are fitting so much looser. example I bought a belt a month a go and im already on the last hole. but the scale has me at 254 this week wtf any idea whats going on?
This is the kind of thing that makes you wanna quit ... You already have the counting calories down but don't judge your results only on the scale, the mirror is a much better guideline. Take pics every 2 weeks and then you will be able to tell and if your not losing either eat less or do more cardio.
This is the kind of thing that makes you wanna quit ... You're probably gaining muscle and offsetting the weight loss (if you're fairly new to weight lifting)? You shouldn't be caught up on fluctuating 1-2 lbs throughout the week. Just relax and be patient...
This is the kind of thing that makes you wanna quit ... I've found that measurements are a better tool than a scale if you are lifting heavy. There is just so much going on in the body when you lift that the scale isn't all that important. As you lift and become stronger your muscle will be able to store more glycogen and glycogen=weight gain from the water content in it. Not to mention you can be gaining some lean mass as well.
This is the kind of thing that makes you wanna quit ... You're not someone who tends to diet 5 days of the week, and not so much on the weekend, are you? Other than that, if you're eating 2300 calories, you should be losing.
This is the kind of thing that makes you wanna quit ... You said you're on the last whole of your belt, who the hell cares what the numbers on the scale are. Your body can fluctuate in weight wildly (as much as 15lbs in a day!!!) throughout the day. Ditch the scale, keep on keeping on. You're doing great.
This is the kind of thing that makes you wanna quit ... Saturdays i eat to my maintence macros are usually off though...( cheat day) and sunday back on it
This is the kind of thing that makes you wanna quit ... I try and do monthly pictures i try bi weekly
This is the kind of thing that makes you wanna quit ... Would you like to quit and go back to 280? Remember the long road you've come, remember the progress you HAVE made, remember the compliments you are getting. Also remember there's a lot of work left to do. Nothing good comes easy amirite?