Sometimes my Mrs can do things that make me want to stick the sharpshooter on her till she taps out!! I would honestly rather a c0ck in my @rse now and again than deal with some of the petty arguments all the time, at least if I was with a bloke I could give him a slap!! WHY DO PEOPLE EVER THINK THAT RELATIONSHIPS ARE A GOOD IDEA!!! RANT FCUKING OVER!!
Sometimes I think being gay would be easier... I used to argue with our lass all time, thought, what's the point? I was sure it was her being a d1ck, but I sorted my head and guess what? It was mostly me
Sometimes I think being gay would be easier... done what exactly sir on a serious note relationships are always full of petty rows
Sometimes I think being gay would be easier... EDIT - Three people got to the milky joke before me. I give up.
Sometimes I think being gay would be easier... GITS !! I mean l have spent to much time rowing with women not being homosexual.