Hi guys, I have suffered from eating problems all of my life and I've finally decided after having the worst time over the past couple of weeks which I don't really want to talk about on here to join the gym and finally pull myself out of this hole which I'm stuck in. :/ I wanted to let you know a little bit about me...I'm currently 9 stone 5lb and I've lost so much weight recently due to having a cold and generally being down all of the time! So I was hoping you guys can help me get out of this dark place and possibly tell me what I'm doing right and wrong in the gym. My understanding of the human body is only to A level biology standard, which isn't very significant. I'm sick of being called skinny all of the time. I need to get a diet sorted something which I can stick to and not to much food otherwise I will just hate eating so I thought I would start of with something like this. Its obviously not brilliant but its a start...I have no idea if its substantial enough for an ectomorph to start putting on weight. So I was thinking something a long the lines of; 8am - 3 Wheater Bix, multi vitamins and fish oils. 10am - 5 eggs in an omelet 1pm - Tuna and pasta or alternatively chicken and rice, plus some sort of sauce. 2:30pm - Nuts and probably some fruit before I hit the gym 3pm - Gym time around 4:30pm - Protein Shake 7pm - Dinner (will normally be fish and jacket potato) 9pm - Tuna on toast with some sort of sauce over the top of it. Now the problem I've been having when working out is that my gym is a bit of a fitness club rather than a gym. It only has dumbbells and no barbells. However, one day a week when I'm doing back I'm gonna pay to use a different gym where they have barbells so I can carry out deadlifts and Barb Monday: Chest/Biceps 4 sets of Incline Dumbbell Press, 8-10 reps3 sets of Bench Press, 8-10 reps3 sets of Incline Flies, 8-10 reps3 sets of Chest Dips until failure3 sets of Barbell Curls, 8-10 reps3 sets of Preacher Curls, 8-10 reps, then drop the weight to half, and push out another 8Tuesday: Legs/Calves 4 sets of Squats 8-10 reps3 sets of Lunges 8-10 reps3 sets of Leg Press 8-10 reps3 sets of Leg Extensions till failure3 sets of Leg Curls 8-10 repsWednesday: Back 3 sets of Lat Pulldowns 8-10 reps4 sets of Deadlifts 8-10 reps3 sets of Bent Over Rows 8-10 reps3 sets of Dumbell Rows 8-10 reps3 sets of Hyperextensions 8-10 repsThursday: Shoulders/Triceps 4 sets of Shoulder Press, alternate with Barbell & Dumbell every week 8-10 reps3 sets of Upright Rows supersetted with Lateral Raises 8-10 reps3 sets of front raises 8-10 reps3 sets of Lying Rear Delt Raises 8-10 reps3 sets of Close-Grip Bench Press 8-10 reps4 sets of Pulldowns 8-10 reps3 sets of Skullcrushers 8-10 repsSaturday: Full Body 3 sets of Deadlifts 8-10 reps3 sets of Squats 8-10 reps3 sets of Clean and Jerk 8-10 reps3 sets of Weighted Pull ups 8-10 reps Any help or advice would be appreciated, thank you all.
Sick of being called Skinny, 9 stone 5lb. At first look I'd say you need to up your calories by more than that.
Sick of being called Skinny, 9 stone 5lb. I would do your Saturday Full Body routine 2/3 times a week and forget about all the other stuff. Eat more and rest up as much as possible. Don't stand when you can sit and don't sit when you can lie down.
Sick of being called Skinny, 9 stone 5lb. I have no idea yet mate...I will sort that out for later, but I will also get some pictures up as well.
Sick of being called Skinny, 9 stone 5lb. Is that you in your avi mate, at least you have a big willy Oh, and more food
Sick of being called Skinny, 9 stone 5lb. Try and log your food into a calorie counter like Myfitnesspal. If you have a smart phone it's usually on the app stores on those devices also a website. And try and eat 1-1.5g of protein a day per lb of bodyweight. And regarding calories try this: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ it's an ok base to start with
Sick of being called Skinny, 9 stone 5lb. How about getting some unflavoured protein, fine oats, and adding full milk, peanut butter, and a good bit of olive oil (calorific stuff) to up your calorie intake? Each of those could be around 800 cals. Really simple to make provided you have a blender. If you took 3 of those a day along with your stated diet, you would increase your weight significantly IMO.
Sick of being called Skinny, 9 stone 5lb. Only for logging your intake though, don't pay the slightest attention to its recommendations for intake. It only seems to apply to Joe Public, not anyone serious about getting bigger.
Sick of being called Skinny, 9 stone 5lb. Where can I buy some cheap unflavoured protein? I've never thought about doing that before, good idea!