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  • one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

    Discussion in 'Over Age 35' started by suighja, Feb 24, 2012.

    1. suighja

      suighja Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Ok one of the major reasons I have found that some many people do not gain muscle or at least gain very little from training and it is NEVER addressed in any Bodybuilding forums is this simple thing: TRAINING PRINICIPLES!

      Yes thats right training principles everyone foucuses on the following:

      1) It's your diet
      2)it's your exercises you are usining
      3)it's your routine
      4) your not working heard enough
      5) your over working
      6)your not getting enough rest probably

      Ok I will admit these are valid problem areas indeed but the most fundamental problem I have found that causes a lack of results is a fundamental lack of understanding of training principles or not knowing them at all.

      For instance I was talking to a guy recently that had been working out for 6 months and switched to the gym I train at because the one he was going too closed down and made no gains I went through the standard how much sleep do you get,do you play any other sports or do hard manual labor,whats you diet like etc etc.
      Then out of the blue I hit him with the good ones:

      1) What training principles do you use,if any?

      2) Do you fully understand them?

      3) Do you understand them well enough that you properly apply them?

      His responce was Training principles? theres more then just the progressive resistance ,set system,and muscle confusion principles.

      My mouth dropped when I found out a beginner was applying muscle confusion from the start,and had jumped right into the set system training princple from the start,and his understanding and thus application of Progressive resistance was appalling.
      He would keep the same weight for 3 months at a time and then ad 5-10 pounds to the bar because he did not understand the principle correctly,all this was done according to his then PT's training advice.

      So needless to say I am having him take off 2 full weeks then i'm starting him over on a basic beginner program and am starting him out with the basic training principles and make sure he's got a full understanding of them.

      And I truly believe that is one of the major reasons if not the main reason that most people make little gains,they either do not know any training principles,or if they know any they do not fully understand them,and thus misapply them.

      Another example of missapllying training principles is applying advanced training principles when you are not ready for them.
    2. casse

      casse Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

      I will contest this until I breath no more.

      Imo, this is the #1 reason for no progress.
      You can train all you want but as my friend on here has stated;

      "You can't out train bad nutrition".

      I agree with much of your post, but this 1st statement is just incorrect
    3. casse

      casse Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

      But you can out run it on a treadmill lol. Okay maybe only to a point, ate something you were not suppose too? Get yo a$$ on the treadmill til you stop feeling bad!
      I think the "not working" hard enough falls into both categories -Mental & Physical- pretty much covers it.
    4. defelqy

      defelqy Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

      Well looking back on the post I should have acknowldged that many people scream it's their diet even when they have their diet so tweeked up that it's so healthy they can't improve it much more.
    5. crormaSoila18

      crormaSoila18 Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

      I second this x1000.

      I have said it before and I will repeat it. I believe nutrition holds back more people then does training.

      A bodybuilding diet is more then being "healthy". It is about supplying the proper nutrients in the proper amounts AND also getting the proper amount of total calories in.....a lot more then just "healthy"
    6. Korporalegq

      Korporalegq Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

      Sup Induced_Drag, how goes the training lately? By the way you hitting that cardio? I have been, got blisters on my feet, as a matter of fact I need to go get new socks so I have a little more cushioning for it lol. You see the "TmeberWolf-Snatch Thread" I put up? The guy has inspired me to work even harder. Its funny that way because I always think that I am busting my a$$ as hard as I can in the gym and then I see a video by someone (in this case TimberWolf) and start thinking "Man I need to work even harder!
    7. akabiceps

      akabiceps Well-Known Member

      May 2011
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      one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

      true but it can be kept healthy and supply you with the proper nutrients etc.
      I'd rather try to keep it healthy and supply me with the proper nutrients etc etc then bow down that the altar of the Great God Mass at all cost and eat any and everything insight .
    8. Raleoxilevz

      Raleoxilevz Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

      Oh....I agree 100%. My point was that it is MUCH more then just healthy. A "healthy" diet for me could include as little as 70g of protein.....but I dont think I would be making much progress on that.

      Same goes for cals......what is "healthy"? Focusing only on "health" in your diet, can leave you woefully short when it comes to your needs as a bodybuilder. With that said.....eating like a bodybuilder does not have to be "un-healthy" either. My total cholesterol is 128 (despite eating a lot of fat...and a good deal of saturated) and my bp runs 100/70.
    9. laxgoaliesrhs

      laxgoaliesrhs Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

    10. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

      I wish I could covince my cousin of that he always finished his evening meal with a half gallon of icecream...and then he wonders why he can't lose that tub despite all the lifting he does.

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