Hello guys. I am getting really sick of getting comments that my shoulders are narrow and that I "need to work them out more" and am really depressed over my ectomorphic skeleton. I am not sure I will ever be able to look aesthetic. Because of these narrow clavicles I look worse then people that don't even workout that have naturaly broad shoulders and it makes me sick. I put so much work into bodybuilding and yet I am cursed with these genetics and I don't know what to do... I tried broadening my shoulders in photoshop and I look 10x better, it makes such a difference and all of this makes me really depressed. I've attached my pics, and one that is photoshoped so you can see for yourself. Me: bb.jpg Photoshop: wider.jpg My question is will I ever be able to look wide and aesthetic with these genetics?
Narrow shoulders = never aesthetic No you won't look wide unless you jump on lots of juice Aesthetic dunno Edit: Nvm now i see it
Narrow shoulders = never aesthetic -__- It's kinda annoying to see ecto and meso people saying I can't do this I can't do that. Seriously stop. It doesn't fuking matter what skeleton you have. If you eat enough work your a$$ off and rest , you will see change. Simple as that. Eat more. Work Harder. Sleep more. Eventually they'll grow dude. Genetics will NOT prevent you from not gaining muscle. Believe me. I know. Liek I said Eat more. Work Harder. Sleep more.
Narrow shoulders = never aesthetic hi brah! dont worry keep the hard work its just matter of time till you will look wider and bay the way i dont really see a big problem with your shoulders.. ppl just jelly so thy trying to make you underrate yourself
Narrow shoulders = never aesthetic This makes me wonder how many people here have photoshopped avi's.
Narrow shoulders = never aesthetic Yea having narrow clavicles sucks. Oh well. Make your side delts bigger.
Narrow shoulders = never aesthetic wow feels bad man, you honestly look like you don't even lift but you actually do :/