this happens once in a while. ill eat a meal usually 8oz chicken, with vegetables and a form of carbs...about 20-30 minutes after i finish eating i feel that i have to throw up, and then it just comes this wasting a meal?? its very annoying. and yes i eat every 2 1/2-3 hours.
i threw up after i ate??? not normal... I have never throw up after eating a meal... I think you should should see a doctor... it could be some kind of digestion issue....
i threw up after i ate??? Do you know meal timing/frequency is largely irrelevant in terms of body compisition?
i threw up after i ate??? If your not intentionally doing it, see your doctor. This isn't normal. If you ARE intentionally doing it. You have an eating disorder and should seek therapy/medical help as well.
i threw up after i ate??? You need to eat it up again. Notice how dogs do? Because they know they won't reach their caloric needs otherwise
i threw up after i ate??? nope not doing it intentionally, it doesn't happen THAT often, once in a while... i have a very clean diet. it actually happend today, my meal was 8oz chicken, 2 pieces of whole grain toast and green beans. about 15 min after finishing my stomach just felt backed up and then it basically forced its way out. i was wondering also if this was just a waste of the meal...
i threw up after i ate??? uh...i guess its a waste of a meal? I feel like that should be the least of your concerns.