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  • how often to train on legs?

    Discussion in 'Sports Training' started by defelqy, Jul 20, 2012.

    1. Toneup

      Toneup Well-Known Member

      Aug 2017
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      Hey everyone,

      Great topic—leg training is such an essential part of any fitness routine, but finding the right frequency can really depend on your goals, recovery ability, and training style.

      General Guidelines:
      1. For Beginners: Training legs once or twice a week is usually enough to build strength and get your body accustomed to the movements. Focus on form and gradually increasing intensity.
      2. For Intermediates/Advanced: Many people find that training legs 2-3 times per week works best for growth and strength, especially if you’re incorporating variations like heavy squats, deadlifts, and accessory movements.
      Things to Consider:
      • Recovery: Legs are a large muscle group, so they need more recovery time. If you’re feeling sore or fatigued for days, it might be worth dialing back the frequency or intensity. Proper sleep, nutrition, and stretching can also help speed up recovery.
      • Splits vs. Full Body: If you’re on a split routine, a dedicated leg day might make sense. But if you’re doing full-body workouts, you might hit legs 3-4 times a week in smaller doses (e.g., squats one day, lunges another).
      • Volume and Intensity: If you’re doing high volume or heavy lifting, 1-2 sessions per week may be enough. Lower volume or less intense sessions might allow for 3 sessions without overtraining.
      Personal Experience:
      I used to train legs just once a week, but as I got into strength training, I noticed splitting it into two sessions (e.g., one day focused on quads and glutes, another on hamstrings and calves) helped improve strength and balance.

      Signs You’re Overtraining:
      • Persistent soreness that doesn’t improve.
      • Declining performance (e.g., lifts feel harder than usual).
      • Feeling exhausted or unmotivated.
      Everyone’s different, so listen to your body! Experiment and see what works best for your schedule and goals.

      How often does everyone here train legs? Any favourite exercises you swear by?


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