How do you older brahs feel about Ron Paul? I don't know...but I suspect you will be back to tell me how I should feel.
How do you older brahs feel about Ron Paul? what I can't even come here to ask you guys a question? pfffft Not at all, I was just curious. srs Edit: most of the older ppl I know IRL don't even know who he is, that's why I'm asking.
How do you older brahs feel about Ron Paul? Nice guy and great civil servant. I find myself aligned with libertarians on more issues than any other political party, however....I would never vote for one because of a mere few of their "platform" positions that make them as liberal as liberal gets: 1. International affairs. Paul would pull all troops out of every country, as well as pull the plug on all funds/aid to other countries. A. In an ideal world, he'd be a genius. But it's not an ideal world, so it makes him an idiot. If we pull out and stop aid.. other countries, does anyone really think our enemies won't fill the vacuum? It's called (and I'll say it slow, for those of you on drugs, p r o t e c t i n g o u r I n t e r e s t s in what can be a brutal world. 2. The Patriot Act; he doesn't believe in it and would abolish it. Even Obama, who scorned it as a Senator, immediately realized how important it was as soon as he got real world briefings as President Elect, and has used it more than GW ever did. In fact, B.O. went further with it in his first year in office than GW ever did since its inception. The real world, it's a bitch. I'll stop here, because concerning an American CIC, that's ^ about as far as I need to go. But sure, great guy, imo (seriously).
How do you older brahs feel about Ron Paul? Older as in what 90? I find it hard to believe "older" people don't know who Ron Paul is. He ran for POTUS twice....and had nationally televised live in Jersey and if close to NYC then are under the news umbrella of one of the biggest news areas in the US.
How do you older brahs feel about Ron Paul? The patriot act isnt even used to stop terrorists, just increased surveillance on American citizens.