Saturday morning went to work with bad upper abdominal pain almost like severe hunger but no appetite. Barely made it through til 2pm but toughed it out. Got home and applied a heating pad to my stomach and start having diarrhea that lasted on/off two hours then fell asleep on the couch. Woke up 2 hours later and went to get up and felt like I been stabbed in the center of my chest. Wife came home from work to take me in to ER where they proceeded to do EKGs , CT scans and and heart ultrasounds while under observation the while night. I informed them completely on my test cycle and supplement usage. My bloodwork was coming back with outstanding numbers and they couldn't figure it out. Then they checked enzyme levels or something and the ultrasound showed my blood wasn't pumping through my heart fast enough but my heart rate was jacked. I'm still a little foggy on that part of the diagnoses since from that point on as i was pumped full if dilauded and everybody went into hyperdrive and a team of EMTs transported me to another hospitals cardiac unit where they preformed a cardiac cath on me. They run a wire up you femoral artery into your heart to clear any blockage. But they found I had no blockage and after the procedure put me on heparin and nitro glycerin to thin my blood amd so on. Upon talking to the cardiologist before discharge he told me my test cycle had absolutely nothing to do with what happened as no enlargement of the heart or abnormal blood levels were found other then the enzyme thing which I don't completely understand but he believed stress and anxiety were most likely the cause. I have had a to of stress lately so it makes total sense but at 34 and in my health I never thought it would cause this even though on the heart attack scale they said it was a 5.2 rating from a scale that's measure 5.0 and up so it was what they called a mini heart attack. The doc said I could ease back into my normal routine in 4 days and follow up in 4 weeks. I know it wasn't the cause but I'm uneasy about finishing my cycle on one hand but don't wanna throw all this hard work away on the other. I lost 10 lbs over the weekend in the hospital and under the circumstance this is the least of my current worries but is something I need to address. If I do my last 3 injections I'm thinking of just going high rep/ lighter weight for the remainder of the cycle thru pct and adding light cardio with gradual build up. Or I could just start nolva in a few days and work out the same as previously stated and the cycle would pretty much be a wash but I could start my next planned sustanon cycle earlier in the summer the originally planned. As for the stress I'm going back to doing what I enjoy, bartending. That may sound funny to some but the money is good with less hours and more time with my family and enjoyable things . I tried a different career path and it's brought me nothing but unhappiness and stress. 60 hours a week and I'm walking with a check that's the same as two good nights at the bar. Anyways , this is alot to take in for the average forum goer I know do based on the responses I get I may repost this in the old guy thread even though I'm a year younger then the requirement there I think the heart attack may have just bumped me a year or so older at least . ( i posted this in the regular anabolic forum but reporting here to hear what those more around my age group have to say and If you guys have had any similar experiences)
Had a minor heart attack saturday. The logic of continuing the cycle despite what the doctors say is careless (in my opinion). You have a family who could not care less how much weight you move in the gym, my days of cycles and squats (bad back) ended the month before my first was born, my goals now are to be the fittest dad at soccer practice, and dance at my grand kids wedding (my oldest is 2 so its a 50 year plan) I still get the point im going smart, be fit, be healthy. Not trying to be preachy
Had a minor heart attack saturday. There's really not enough information here to give him any good advice. He says there was no blockage - yet he had a heart attack? It could have been stress cardiomyopathy - or something like it - but usually heart enzymes aren't elevated with that condition. He's had a heart attack - but his Doc says he can "ease" back into his normal routine in 4 days? I haven't heard this advice given before. Unfortunately - he's kind of caught in a pickle with two bad choices. Who knows what really caused the heart attack - but taking steroids after such an event, even if unrelated, isn't the wisest move in the world. However, his only other choice is to terminate the cycle and put his body through the stress of PCT ... also not a very attractive choice.
Had a minor heart attack saturday. Yeah my cardiologist seemed surprisingly loose with his diagnosis and follow up instructions. I actually had to pitch a bitch just to get answers and get my cardiologist to come talk to me while I was there. Maybe it's because I have no insurance I don't know but I wouldn't say my treatment was handled on a very professional level what so ever. He literally said to my face and I repeated the question twice to make absolute sure that heard him correctly that he said I could continue testosterone and I could continue lifting in 4 days
Had a minor heart attack saturday. Just out of curiousity how does that work with no insurance? A whole night and ER visit and all those tests, you're probably looking at like $10K right? I don't have insurance either so I'm basically waiting till something bankrupts me, just curious.
Had a minor heart attack saturday. I'd sure want to get a copy of all the tests on you and do my own checking if I were you. If you can afford it, find out who's the best cardio doc in your area and pay for some out of pocket tests by a doc that's good. You need answers. A whole lot of docs, including cardio docs are mediocre at best.
Had a minor heart attack saturday. Yeah its prolly around the 10k mark. I have alot of unpaid hospital bills built up over the years. Seems everytime something bad happens I'm not covered at the time. I had planned to declare BK this year anyway but now I guess ill wait til this goes to collections as well. I hate to have to do it but the choices in a case like this are limited . This countries health care system is and always will be ****ed and based on greed just as everything else here is. Don't get me started I don't want another heart attack
Had a minor heart attack saturday. You just mistook what I said...I dont care if the doctor said the AAS had nothing to do with it or not, leaving the ER , hugging the family, and then inject ing yourself with roids you did not buy from a pharmacy is not the logical thing to do. At some point in life "its no longer about you", this is one of those times. Im all for the bodybuilding lifestyle, I still live it more then most, but he just had a heart attack...minor or not, he had a heart attack.... I wish him the best whatever path he chooses