No not booze! But are you an up fecker or a no i can't ,fooker and examples please guys of why?(if you dare!) Lucky or not?
Glass half full,or half empty? Always been a positive kind of bloke. I don't know if its connected but even when times are shit I always seem to land on my feet
Glass half full,or half empty? I try and let fu*k all mess with my karma mate, you get knocked down but you get up stronger.... I lost everything a few yrs back, do l give a fu*k HELL NO....... l'm here. l'm happy and a lot wiser...
Glass half full,or half empty? My glass is totally empty, i drank it all coz im the one that will work hard to fill it back up again!!
Glass half full,or half empty? I'm probaly a glass half empty kind of guy. Reasons well a few but the main ones are I've had a lot of people betray me and stab me in the back over the years. I've lost count of the number of lives I've helped and people I've saved. Well over half have screwed me over at a later date. Most people are bastards, true altruists are exremely rare and most people will screw you over if they think it will better themselves. Everyone uses each other and no one really cares. So in general yeah I'm a grumpy old man... Well 23 year old anyway.
Glass half full,or half empty? I used to be a half empty kind of guy, but what has happened over the last few months has made me see my life in a whole new way, and what I can achieve if I put my mind to it, so I'm definitely now a half full person
Glass half full,or half empty? A lesson in life, unfortunately mate. All you can do is live and learn.
Glass half full,or half empty? I am a glass is twice the size it needs to be kinda guy Have not got a full glass but quite content with what I have