How many times a week do you have to shave? I thought having a bald head would be easier but I am having to shave it every other day, if I don't I get stubs and laying down on a pillow or putting on any T shirts feel like a have Velcro on my head Also is there a better razor specifically for a bald head? These square razors take for ever. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
For those who shave their head I shave once a week. Just use a normal razor. My only advice is use conditioner in shower onbald head while showering to avoid dry skin
For those who shave their head Typically twice a week for me. I use a basic Mach III razor and so long as I don't go more then four days I have no trouble. If I go longer I have to use an electric to trim it down again prior to shaving. Some people I know swear by the Headblades: I tried it and wasn't impressed to be honest. Shaving your head is awkward for a bit, but you'll become adept in no time.
For those who shave their head I shave every other day while in the shower.... Only tip I really have is only use a 3 or at max, 4 bladed razor; the 5 bladed ones clog up too easily.
For those who shave their head I usually use a straight razor if i have time tht I hand sharpen, or a good razor like a Quattro. I shave the sides of my head only but have done a full shave plenty of times before. Noxyma ( spelling) makes an amazing shaving cream that has made shaving easy for me. It's in a red and white can, never get any bumps or w/e. P.s. do you know/ remember John Agoglia? He was showing me some pics from his past and a guy looked exactly like you.
For those who shave their head That razor looks interesting, what did you not like about? LOL my hair grows mad fast. I used the 2 and 3 thus far and it is taking me mad long. When I go to the barber they did that sh!t in no time with the straight blade. No I don't know or remember John Agoglia, did he post here?
For those who shave their head Seriously .... for you guys who still have hair and shave your head anyway, I believe George Costanza said it best: "That is like using a wheelchair just for the fun of it!"
For those who shave their head It was for me more awkward then using a normal face razor. Some swear by it, but I tried it for a few weeks and went back to the Mach III, no point in having both. Give it a try, only way you'll know yourself.