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  • Does anyone here set and achieve goals, and not just bodybuilding..

    Discussion in 'General Chat' started by suighja, Mar 30, 2012.

    1. suighja

      suighja Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Would like to hear from anyone here...
      In training im sure we all have goals and im sure we hit most, diet, training etc. And like me , im guessing lots document it(yes im one of those tw@s that walk around with a notepad..

      But her i mean in life, like say in 2 years ill earn x amount, or in 1 year ill qualify for this or that...

      anyone here have a gameplan? and sticking to it (not training related)?
      i think i need one, a business plan or life goal and think writing down dates etc might just help..
    2. herunder88

      herunder88 Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Does anyone here set and achieve goals, and not just bodybuilding..

      I have lots yes

      in training I set goals every few weeks and actually have a goal each and every workout

      my main goal this year is to squat 250kg and deadlift over 300kg

      and a big game plan for life and training
    3. crormaSoila18

      crormaSoila18 Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Does anyone here set and achieve goals, and not just bodybuilding..

      iv sett my self a goal to finish my college degree i set that goal 2 years ago , and now im just months away from my final exams.
    4. parnassto

      parnassto Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Does anyone here set and achieve goals, and not just bodybuilding..

      Go to uni and get a degree

      Start my own business

      Have lots of sex

      That's about all I have planned
    5. baletki

      baletki Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Does anyone here set and achieve goals, and not just bodybuilding..

      Im planning for the next 18 months and here it is......This year I want to do better in competition (in September) than I did last year, coming to the stage in better condition after making some decent improvements.

      And next year, I'd like to qualify for the UKBFF Brits.
    6. fa2nzg

      fa2nzg Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Does anyone here set and achieve goals, and not just bodybuilding..

      I have physical goals, and personal ones, I set myself goals and challenges every year, some I achieved, some I haven't.

      This year my goals

      Save four grand as part of my wedding for next may.
      Raise 3k for the ms society, Ie walk for 12 hours a day for six days, last day run a marathon...all at work on a treadmill on terminal one at Manchester airport.

      Gym wise. I want to bench press by next may 2013 130kg I can do 110kg right now.

      30 consecutive pull ups, and still be able to do a mile and half best effort run in under 09:23 mins

      80 press ups in one go...as I can do 60 right now

      And get down to single digets for bf...I've never done that..ever.

      All by next may
    7. suighja

      suighja Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
      Likes Received:
      Does anyone here set and achieve goals, and not just bodybuilding..

      Yeah with you there rick but i mean like other achievements like do a marathon by 2014 or some other milestone, career or maybe work like a bitch to pay 5 more years mortgage off in one year, write it down, break it into more achievable goals then follow it to a tee, if that makes sense. Im thinking of trying this with aspects of my life, with time set limits to sort my life out. Just wondering if others do this, and I'm guessing on a forum like this with all the obsessions that come with training that there might be one or two..
    8. alomjabpd

      alomjabpd Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Does anyone here set and achieve goals, and not just bodybuilding..

      im 22 and iv always wanted a phd, last year i said by the time im 25 i will have one. i will have a masters before im 23 (nearing compleation as we speak and firmly belive before im 25 i will have my phd

      other life goals: become fluent in spanish (im okish, atm very broken spanish but can go on holiday and spend the whole time not speakin english)

      and of course, find the one, and have a family
    9. laxgoaliesrhs

      laxgoaliesrhs Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
      Likes Received:
      Does anyone here set and achieve goals, and not just bodybuilding..

      I'm really gud at planning and goal setting and have very clear focus ... but this year im mixing it up a little by just taking some risks, winging it a little and seein what happens just rolling wiv it really on a few business bits and bobs- some of us very structured people does no harm ta try the flexi approach - so far its going gud
    10. Korporalegq

      Korporalegq Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
      Likes Received:
      Does anyone here set and achieve goals, and not just bodybuilding..

      mines are for next year
      1) find work, get a good year behind me then ill have all experience i need to go ot on my own...
      2) move back to sunny ireland,
      3)have a kid,
      4)buy a house
      5)have or be close to my first muay thai fight
      6) stay lean gaining instead of dirty bulk
      not asking for much

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