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  • Conflicting answers from sticky on my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

    Discussion in 'Diet & Nutrition' started by laxgoaliesrhs, May 9, 2012.

    1. laxgoaliesrhs

      laxgoaliesrhs Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      I'm trying to work out the above. I have read Emma Leigh's sticky "Calculating Calorie & Macronutrient Needs"

      I am 158Lbs = 72Kg and my scales tell me I am 20% fat. My profile photo is 100% current as are my BodySpace photos. A forum user kindly suggested I am more like 17% bf. Lets use 18% so lean mass is 130Lbs or 59Kg. (The numbers arn't goign to change much if we use 20%)

      Using method 1 - "The simplest method is to base your intake on a standard 'calories per unit of weight (usually kilograms)'"
      My calculation is Weight of 72Kg and I consider myself: "31 to 37 kcal/kg/day for those involved in light to moderate activity 3-5 x a week with moderately active lifestyles.
      72*34 = 2448

      Katch McArdle method:
      "BMR = 370 + (21.6 x LBM)Where LBM = [total weight (kg) x (100 - bodyfat %)]/100"
      I calculate LBM as 59Kg as above.
      370+(21.6x59) = 1644

      2448 and 1644 are huge differences and get even bigger when I put the 1.5 activity factor on and then add 15% to gain weight. End result method one target 4222 cals and KA method 2868cals!

      Can anyone clarify or am I making a calculation error. I have been over this twice!
    2. parnassto

      parnassto Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Conflicting answers from sticky on my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

      well here is an online calculator I really like and seems the most accurate to me and puting in your stats this is what I get....

      Activity Level Calories
      Basal Metabolic Rate 1642
      Little or no exercise 1970
      Light (1-3 days / week) 2258
      Moderate (3-5 days / week) 2545
      Heavy exercise (6-7 days / week) 2832
      Very heavy exercise (twice daily) 3120

      So those would be what you need to maintain with those activity levels. What i like to do is if you are bulking add 10-15 percent to your number if you are cutting take away that much.

      I think what is confusing is is the 1644 number is your base BMR. Like if you sat all day to keep your body running. When you do the 31 to 37 equation that is considering light to moderate activity. So check it out that matches up perfect with what I posted for "light to mod activity". So they do match up.

      make sense?
    3. crormaSoila18

      crormaSoila18 Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Conflicting answers from sticky on my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

      Your BMI does not equal your calorie needs. Unless, of course, you're in a coma. Your BMI is only the absolutely essential processes that your body must carry out to sustain life- your heart beating, your kidneys filtering, your liver detoxifying, your brain running at minimal thinking speed, and your lungs breathing. Your macronutrient needs are wayyy above this even if you're just walking around a little.
    4. alomjabpd

      alomjabpd Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Conflicting answers from sticky on my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

      That makes total sense Flex500. The numbers seem to concur with Katch McArdle. What it doesn't answer is why the first method on the Sticky gives such radically different answers. Either my method or maths is wrong (quite possible), or the sticky is dreadfully wrong, or it needs a disclaimer if that method works for some people, but not others. I am hardly untypical... Those who follow method one would be erroneously consume an unnecessary extra 1400 extra calories a day!
    5. casse

      casse Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Conflicting answers from sticky on my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

      They're both "right", read my post.
    6. Raleoxilevz

      Raleoxilevz Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Conflicting answers from sticky on my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

      Correct me if I am wrong, but respectfully I think you mean BMR, not BMI. If so, yes I understand that, but you still need to work it out before you apply the other factors to it. Very wrong BMR will equal very wrong calorie needs.
    7. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Conflicting answers from sticky on my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

      I have read your post carefully. Can you please expand?
      Many thanks
    8. swawth

      swawth Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Conflicting answers from sticky on my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

      Sorry you're right, I meant BMR, typo. BMI's a whole different category of.. stuff Sorry about that! But anyway, your BMR is ONLY how many calories you burn by doing nothing, not even walking around, just laying in bed 24/7. Just sitting up, standing up, walking around a little, doing activities of daily living, plus the energy expended from digesting food, energy from exercise of course, walking up the stairs a few times, talking... all this burns calories. So your needs when you're FUNCTIONAL are much higher than if you were on complete bed rest.
    9. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Conflicting answers from sticky on my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

      The 1,644 is your BMR. This does not include activity.
      The 2,448 is TDEE which includes activity. The method you used to get this number includes activity already.

      You need to multiply BMR by an activity factor to get TDEE if you use that first method. 1,644 x 1.50 for moderately active = 2,466 - almost identical to the 2,448 in the other method.
    10. suighja

      suighja Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Conflicting answers from sticky on my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

      Thanks for clarification. I fully understand that. To BMR you have to add an activity factor. In my original post I use one of 1.5.
      I can now see my error, however. The KA method is a BMR calculation. The first method on the sticky is not in fact a BMR calculation, but a "Needs calculation". They do come up with broadly similar results.

      All cleared up. So to gain weight I need about 2700 cals a day approx. Strange, I'm on my third day of 3500 cals a day and no signs of additional weight or fat. I was on around 4000 cals at a guess for 2 weeks (on vacation and training hard) and did put 2Lbs fat on. Early days. Will keep analysing and tweak where necessary.

      Thanks for making me re-examining my numbers TGB. It was only after reading the Sticky a third time I saw the error of my ways.

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