Before we start, this is a thread about toilet habits, if it offemds dont read it... I suffer from gastric reflux, when it hits me, it hits hard and fast. Today l got caught short royally, l ended up having to climb up a banking and find a bush..... this fu*king mortifies me BTW, it didnt help as l crouched l turned to see a dead rat staring at me. I am very odd about my toilet habits, l dont like using any toilets but my own but if l have to l do my best to find a solo one with a fu*king good lock on the door.. if someone is in the cubicle next to me l freeze.... Pathetic l know but true, thing is l have mates who will drop there pants and crap on your foot if you stand still !! Is it only me thats this sad ??
Can you " go " anywhere ? i've bee in and out of hospital from the age of 10-15, long sotry short, i used to have sudden onset stomach cramps/****s i didn't have a choice, i just learnt to go whenever possible or **** myself, luckily - id never shat myself Working on building site atm, porta pottys are fxcking rank, but when you gotta go, you've gotta go. Edit: Reading all the first post, many a times i've shat in a bush, in tall grass, ect - can't help is you suddenly get it unfortunatly, best thing is just not give a fxck i'll go anywhere and everywhere if the situation calls for it, only thing i would be agaist is physiclly infront of a stanger(s)
Can you " go " anywhere ? Ouch... Lol I'll go anywhere besides a rundown truckstop with a hole in the cubicle. Lol
Can you " go " anywhere ? ive wiped my ass wit a leaf so many times mate its natural when im out hunting or wht ever
Can you " go " anywhere ? it needs a seat. a lock. and some roll. But i have done a sh1t in a box in the back of my van, in kensington and chelsea at 7am. Didnt help that there was no light and had to use a torch. fml
Can you " go " anywhere ? lol not just you, i prefer my own toilet but if i have to and i mean have to go else where i am picky as **** to the point that it seems weird. i don't like it when there are others in the cubicle next to me. but the weird thing is during training exercises i don't have any problems with taking a crap in the woods.....i have no idea why but it doesn't bother me that much tbh.
Can you " go " anywhere ? I'm a strictly sh*t at home man, although i do love a good **** on company time. The whole way through school i never once took a sh*t there. However my friend with cystic fibrosis will sh*t anywhere, anywhere. Any pub we go in he heads straight for the toilet to drop the kids off. He's like a f*cking animal marking his territory. When we were teenagers he once had a sh*t in an alley, then went to up to a house with his hands clapsed over his nose, chapped the door and told the old dear who answered it that he had a nose bleed and needed some toilet know the rest