I got into a cov. with my boss a " basketball pro" She says the type of carbs/fats do matter for how you feel through out the day. I then sent her here and told her that's not true and a carb is a carb. She proceeded to say that she knows the top nutritist and that they tell her it does matter and all this "bs" is an easy way out. I guess what I'm asking is how can you help me prove it to her since she wont believe the studdies I showed her from here.
Boss Agurment Whenever you eat something that fits into your macros and she doesn't eat it saying its a bad carb or fat, just tell her: u mad you can't IIFYM this pizza? ye u mad
Boss Agurment It's a personal preference, but I agree with her. I feel much better when I eat fruit and oatmeal for breakfast than Skittles and cotton candy.
Boss Agurment There is something to optimizing fuel intake for actual high level athletes. Eating for performance and eating to shred up a bit to impress the bros on bb.com are not related. That said, stop trying to prove anything to anyone. While she's not explaining it properly there's something to what she's saying. There is also validity to what you say but to a different population. Leave it at that. You don't have to be a nutritional cowboy especially where you can't see both sides of the argument accurately.
Boss Agurment ^this. The latter would be unsatisfying in the extreme and thus would make me feel crappy throughout my day if I ate these in place of other carb sources. The way you worded it, she makes sense. Types of carbs are only irrelevant to body composition. They still very well may be relevant to how one feels throughout a day. Which in itself is quite vague.
Boss Agurment The source of the carb doesn't matter in regards to body composition, but in regards to general well being, it definitely matters (micronutrients).
Boss Agurment For me it could be completly psychological but I also feel better when I eat fruits, veg, oatmeal, than a snickers bar. Though I do enjoy my Ben and jerry's after dinner when it fits my macros.
Boss Agurment Yes, that ^^ as well as performance. Oh yeah, nutrient timing will certainly impact athletic performance also. Not body comp for the average gym rat reading this website.