Guys I ordered some generic HCG from online in vials. Alongside it I ordered a 30ml vial of bac water. The bac water had labelling on it etc and looked extremely lejit. But the HCG vials just had a solid powder in them but no label what so ever. But I think it's legit stuff as I have ordered from this website before. I purchased the HCG n bac water for my friend and he thinks there fake because the vials dont have labelling on them, he' kind of giving me crap, how can I persuade him or tell him that they are legit?
bit of a problem with HCG I bought from online? They are Chinese generics by the sound of it. Used them before now & my balls didn't retract back to a shell so they worked. On the plus side,if he doesn't want em then ya got loads for now
bit of a problem with HCG I bought from online? Most don't come labeled anymore. Why limit your shipping by labeling your product when some might assume its a legal peptide
bit of a problem with HCG I bought from online? id be more worried about the shell attatched by your balls
bit of a problem with HCG I bought from online? Are they like this? I got some from online too, gonna do a pregnancy test on them to see if legit..DSC01041.jpg
bit of a problem with HCG I bought from online? Bang on mate bang on alike but bac water has a blue top but everything else the same.
bit of a problem with HCG I bought from online? To be 100% just get a preg kit, get them for £1 in pound shops, B & M - shops like that, just put some on it, if its preggers, your good to go
bit of a problem with HCG I bought from online? How does this work mate.. can you exaplin step by step please. So I get a pregnancy test lol and then.... also how does a preg test prove wether its real or fake
bit of a problem with HCG I bought from online? The preg test aint accurate Needs to be a certain strength for it to work
bit of a problem with HCG I bought from online? You all are right. Pregnant women produce about a million iu of HCG a day. So, if you use it you have to saturate the pregnancy kit part and yes it will take some to do it. I have tested some that I didnt feel I was noticing anything, it showed negative. I thought it was from heat as I bought them from Mexico during the summer time and it had to be 100 degrees. I put that down to heat. Bought some more at another place and it showed positive. Those blue tops look exactly like my Chinese stuff. To be honest, I thought they were very strong and better than pregnyl actually. I love the idea of the multi use vial too, and not an amp where you have to pre-load pins. Id say you are good to go. They come in 2000iu per vial right? If so they are good. Add some air first, they are vacuum sealed.