Hello, I thought I would share this info just to see if anyone agrees, knows of a better product, etc... Voskos Greek Yogurt. Not bad! Only 120 calories if cutting, but 2x the protein at 12grams compared to any other yogurt.
A good yogurt... Oikos, or how ever its spelled is a good Greek yogurt too, I mix it with sum strawberry protein n few oz of milk n water for an awsum shake
A good yogurt... That's the kind I use too. Except I do ON whey double chocolate with some powdered stevia. It is SO GOOD. I look forward to it. Tastes like chocolate ice cream, or some kind of bastardized version of it at least.
A good yogurt... chobani is my favorite hands down (the only one i didn't like was the Lemon) and has 2% and 0 fat ones which is nice. I think it is Vokos (or what ever the newer ones they released is called) tastes great as well. Danon Greek is ehh IMO
A good yogurt... this^^^^^^^^^^^^ 8oz = 26-27 grams protein, mix in real fruit, honey, flax, whatever....