Hi Guys, Has anybody got one of these? http://www.sixpackbags.co.uk/ They look awesome? I am thinking this would be great for Uni, work etc...?
6 Pack Bags - Anybody got one? Really want one but there about £50? I just use good take away containers
6 Pack Bags - Anybody got one? yeh they look great, especially for people on the move. i manage mine in tupperware's, easy when you have a fridge a work,
6 Pack Bags - Anybody got one? There crap. Really poorly made and the tupperware containers are very small. You can take the seperators out, but that kind of defeats the object. I think smart shake are bringing their own version soon, which is apparently much better. All IMO of course
6 Pack Bags - Anybody got one? I just take my food to work at the minute in a rucksack, but I go back to Uni in September, and I'm thinking that this would be a great idea, as I usually have a couple of large text books with me, so could just take a ruck sack, and then carry this. So those of you who do have one, is the smaller one enough, and would you recommend it?
6 Pack Bags - Anybody got one? Read what you will into this.. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UFsdnHdTdaI