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    Situated on the upper front part of the arm the Bicep muscle is connected to the shoulder joint and arm bones via tendons. It is predominantly used with lifting and pulling actions and is therefore a vital part of weight lifting exercises.

    Standing resistance band hammer curl


    This is a very useful exercise to help build up your biceps and you can do it literally anywhere. You will need a resistance band which you place on the floor underneath your feet. You then grip the other end of the resistance band with your hands, standing fully upright, with the palms facing inwards. While ensuring that only your elbows move, simply “curl” the resistance band up toward your shoulders, pause and flex your biceps, and then lower back

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    Barbell curls


    Barbell curls are an excellent exercise for those looking to focus on their biceps. Sometimes referred to as barbell biceps curls, this exercise effectively “overloads” your biceps in a controlled manner. There is evidence to suggest that barbell curls are more effective when looking to strengthen your biceps when compared to more traditional dumbbells. One of the most common mistakes when doing barbell curls is to lean back when trying to make full use of the momentum you build up.

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    Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biceps training routine


    This article is submitted through our Guest post feature, please encourage more guest posts by commenting , liking and sharing where possible… Anyone who is even remotely serious about his bodybuilding hobby (or career) knows who Arnold Schwarzenegger is. Basically, he is the icon of the bodybuilding; he is the one who got it mainstream and popular. Before Arnold, bodybuilding was a sport for “freaks”. It was completely underground, and few people know about it. With his titanic body, iron

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