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  • 10 Best and Worst Foods to lose Weight

    Yes, not every food is good for you and more so when it comes to matters to do with weight. It is quite often that we may not make the right distinctions between the skinny foods and the ‘bad foods’. Every food is good, but not all foods will be good for your weight. Certain foods will help you shed the excess pounds while others will do the exact contrary. Here, I will start by looking at foods which will

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    10 Changes You Need to Make to Lose Stubborn Fat

    Muscle growth

    Belly fat. Stubborn, annoying and seemingly impossible to get rid of. Everyone wants to lose it but only few seem to succeed. What’s the secret? Fat burning pills? Drinking 10 cups of tea everyday? Detox smoothies? Nope, none of that. I’m about to tell you the reality behind losing stubborn belly fat and if you make these 10 changes you will lose your belly fat and the love handles that come along with it. During my years of experience as

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    Low reps vs High Reps The Debate Resolved

    Ripping your body, diet and exercise

    The debate about whether high reps or low reps are better for muscle growth has been going forever. In fact, my thesis was on this exact question and I am yet to see any good evidence to favor either side. Finally, a recent study which compared high reps and low reps sheds some light to the long- standing question. Why are high reps (8-12 reps) better? Bodybuilders: Bodybuilders always use low weight, high reps: 8-12 rep range .Power lifters always

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    6 “Secret” Fast Fat Loss Tips


    “WEIGHTLOSS” I meet people all the time who are looking to lose weight, most of them tell me that they’ve tried all sorts of strategies, and nothing seems to work. When I start to question them about their diet and exercise the same things almost always come up. That’s why I’m going to refer to these 5 tips as “secrets” it seems like nobody out there knows them! If you’re looking to get a nice lean body then put these

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    Beginning the Journey to Weight-Loss and Good Health

    Losing weight can be hard, especially in today’s environment – massive portions, greasy food, image-heavy marketing tempting you at every corner. Eating right is a serious challenge, and if you’ve tried – and failed – to lose weight before, you know exactly what we mean! But don’t be fooled into thinking that diets don’t work for you. True, traditional diets usually don’t in the long term, but there are plenty of little lifestyle changes you can make that will benefit

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    The Best Pre-Workout Supplement Ingredients and Why They Work

    Muscle memory, brain power and long-term fitness

    If you are like many others looking for a magic pill to boost your energy among other things before your workout sessions, you are in the right place. Supplements have been a part of exercise and diet for many years, but the popularity of effective pre-workout supplementation is recent. It owes its importance to numerous research studies conducted on the subject, validating that their use drives performance. But, how do you know which is the best supplement for you? Here

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    Going The Distance

    It’s a pleasure to spend time with you guys and explain how my approach to personal training is helping more people get active. I think it’s important for me to say I am not on a mission to change the face of personal training! I train my clients both in person and via Skype, and I believe they both have their merits. I view internet based Skype workouts as an alternative, not necessarily a replacement, for modern day personal training.

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    The ONLY ONE Thing You Need to Know to Help You Gain Muscle (Except Training Effectively)

    Good grief, how come there are so many things a lifter needs to remember to be able to help him make reasonable gains in the weight room. This is especially true for guys who are training to gain muscle – for them the way they live their life becomes even more important than the lifting itself and the moments outside the gym becomes even more important than the moments spent IN the gym. Fortunately I have a great revelation to

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    Should You Really Be Drinking Protein Shakes

    What is a Protein Shake? To understand what a protein shake is made up of, and whether or not you should really be drinking it, we first have to look at where it comes from and how it is made. Whey is actually a byproduct of milk, milk is made up of two different forms of protein, a slow digesting form called Casein (which we will cover in a future article) and a fast digesting form called Whey. Whey can

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    Boost Your Appearance by Losing Weight with the Help of B12 Shots

    Are you shocked that you are becoming overweight and want to shed some extra fat? Do you want to get back to a proper shape and do away with the depression, which is connected with obesity? There are various ways to do it. One of the most tried and tested methods for losing weight is performing exercises on a regular basis. Besides, following a well planned diet can also fetch results. Moreover, a few other nutrients and medicines have also

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