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  • Standing Military Press

    Deltoids Front

    The Standing Military Press is an excellent way to develop your deltoid muscles which are situated around the shoulder blade area. This particular exercise makes use of a barbell which creates maximum stress on the deltoid muscles thereby developing them. Using a grip with your knuckles facing upwards bend your elbows and rest the barbell in line with your shoulders. The grip on each side of the barbell will be narrower than you would normally use. Now simply extend your

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    Standing Dumbbell Reverse Curl


    The Standing Dumbbell Reverse Curl exercise is excellent for developing your Brachioradialis muscles and other areas of the arm. It is extremely simple and one which will very quickly lead to impressive results. Start with a standing position with a dumbbell in each hand held using an overhand grip (palms pointing down). The dumbbell should be positioned next your thighs with your arms straight down. To begin the exercise simply flex your lower arm upwards towards your shoulders ensuring that

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    Standing Dumbbell Cross Body Hammer Curl


    The Standing Dumbbell Cross Body Hammer Curl exercise is a very good way to develop your Brachioradialis muscles. It is extremely simple to perform, simply take one dumbbell in each hand and let them hang by the side of your body in a neutral overhand grip (one where your palms are facing inwards). Working the right dumbbell first of all, bend your right elbow and push the dumbbell towards your left shoulder and back up toward your right shoulder. Then

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    Reverse Preacher Curl


    A Reverse Preacher Curl is a perfect way to exercise your Brachioradialis muscles. To do this exercise you will require a preacher bench with a barbell which you will find at your local gym. Sit on the preacher bench with your feet on the ground and your arms on the pad. Adjust the seat accordingly so that your armpits are rested on the top of the pad for comfort, bending your elbows downwards. Then you simply grab the barbell with

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    Essential Items for Every Home Gym

    Essential Items for Every Home Gym

    You don’t have to be a workout junkie to understand the benefits of a home gym. Having a dedicated fitness regimen has a huge positive effect on mental and physical health, so it’s no wonder that more and more people are building a home gym for their daily workouts or as a complement to their standard gym membership. If you’re thinking about taking the leap and carving out a fitness-specific space in your home, here are some recommendations for essential

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    Side oblique crunch


    The side oblique crunch exercise is extremely useful for those looking to tighten and strengthen their abdominal muscles. It allows you to stretch and tense those muscles which will give more definition. If you turn sideways for the starting position, place your two legs straight out, laid on top of each other, and place your hand and forearm on the ground. You will be supporting yourself at the elbow, placing your other arm around the back of your neck. The

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    Abdominal hold


    The beauty of the abdominal hold exercise is the fact that it can be done anywhere where you have a chair or a stairway with at least four steps. If we look at the exercise involving a chair, simply sit in the chair with a straight back and your feet firmly planted on the ground. Then place your hands towards the side of the chair and lift your feet and your bum slowly off the ground. You should aim to

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    Abs roll-out


    The Abs roll-out exercise is another great way to strengthen your abdominal muscles. For this exercise you will need a barbell with round weights on either side or a specific abs roller. The starting position is the kneeling position with your back straight up. Then grab the barbell, on the ground, with your hands just a little more than shoulder length apart. You then simply roll out the barbell, while remaining as straight as possible, as far as you feel

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    Hand walk-out exercise


    The hand walk-out exercise is a surprisingly intense and useful exercise when looking to tone up your abdominal muscles. The starting position may is effectively bent over double from a standing position. This means that your feet are placed firmly on the ground as are your palms (for those who cannot touch their toes, simply bend as far as possible) and you simply place your hands on the floor and walk them out slowly. This will make use of the

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    Mountain climber exercise


    The mountain climber exercise is a great way to tone up those ab muscles, with a relatively short but intense burst. The starting position is similar to a straight arm press up with your arms locked and your body as straight as possible down to your feet. Pull your left knee up you towards your elbows, with your left foot touching the ground (as if you were in the blocks waiting to start a 100m race!), with your back right

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