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  • How To Grow Wider/Thicker Biceps | Brachialis Exercises


    If you’re looking to grow wider and thicker biceps, incorporating exercises that target the brachialis muscle can be a game changer. One effective exercise is …

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    Brachioradialis Stretches


    The brachioradialis muscle is an important muscle in the forearm that is responsible for flexing the elbow joint. Tightness or discomfort in this muscle can occur due …

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    The Best Exercise for Brachialis : Shaping Up


    When it comes to shaping up the brachialis muscle, there are a few exercises that stand out above the rest. One of the best exercises for targeting this muscle is the hamm…

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    Train the Brachialis


    The brachialis muscle is a key muscle located in the upper arm, underneath the biceps. It is responsible for flexing the elbow joint and contributes to the overall stre…

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    Top five exercises for the Gluteus Maximus

    Gluteus Maximus

    The gluteus maximus is the larger muscle located around the hip and buttock area which effectively allows you to rotate. Exercises in this video include things a simpl…

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    Stretching your gastrocnemius, larger calf muscle

    Gastrocnemius, large calf muscle

    The gastrocnemius is perhaps best known as the larger calf muscle which creates the diamond shape bulge in your legs. The type of exercise in the video revolves around t…

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    Hand, Wrist & Forearm Strengthening Exercises

    Finger Flexors

    In reality, the vast majority of exercises carried out in the gym will to a certain extent improve and strengthen your finger flexors and other elements of your hand, wr…

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    Grip Strength Exercises for Wrists & Forearms

    Finger Flexors

    It is fair to say that when we work muscles it does not normally include a particular focus on fingers/digits. However, finger flexors are an integral part of your grip w…

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    Defy Ageing

    Defy Ageing

    The secret to eternal youth, oh if only we had the answers. The population spends millions each year on face creams, botox, collagen, facials and such like. We also wast…

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    How To Look Thinner

    Fitness Diet Slim

    There are plenty of reasons to lose weight. Primarily, you should lose weight to become healthy. But today, society’s standards of beauty put pressure on being thin. M…

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