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  • Can I build muscle while in a calorie deficit for weight loss?

    Discussion in 'Deals and Special Offers' started by Garv Singhal, Apr 19, 2024.

    1. Garv Singhal

      Garv Singhal Member

      Nov 2023
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      Is it possible to build muscle while in a calorie deficit? Share your experiences & tips for achieving body recomposition.

      SCOTT MCGEE Member

      Jan 2025
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      Yes you must bulk up on calories for at least 24 hours for protein synthesis to occur, after that day you can begin to decline i would say around the 36 hour mark and begin to eat less calories, it may make it easier also since you will have consumed more on a prior date your muscles need to grow, limit your heavy lifts to two times per week and perform cardio on other days as well and this can be achieved.
    3. Toneup

      Toneup Well-Known Member

      Aug 2017
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      This is such an interesting question, and I’ve been curious about it myself. I’ve read that building muscle in a calorie deficit is possible, but it seems like there are a lot of factors at play—like your starting body composition, training intensity, and especially how much protein you’re getting.

      For those who’ve managed it, did you find that the deficit had to be really small, or was it more about prioritising strength training and recovery? I’ve also seen some people say beginners or those coming back after a break might have better luck with this than someone already experienced.

      What’s everyone’s take? Has anyone here successfully built muscle while in a deficit, and if so, what worked best for you? Would love to hear some personal experiences!

      SCOTT MCGEE Member

      Jan 2025
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      The key is to build stamina and do all of your weight training top and bottom two days out of the week if you want to see real results if your just looking to tone your muscles you can focus on above waist on Saturday for example and below waste on Wednesday. I stack up on calories the minute I begin to workout it gives you the energy to continue it is preparing your muscles for growth along with eating protein, RED BULL or caffeine helps when mixed with creatine. I typically use the FIT EXTEND organic vegan vanilla protein powder because I had high cholesterol several years ago when I used to drink a lot of MUSCLE MILK and looking good is not worth heart disease. I also use FIT EXTEND's creatine gummies they have 5 g I am taking this on a daily basis , some rookies only take it when they work out this does not help your muscles at all it is like drinking coffee if you only take it for one day.

      You need 2500 calories within 24 hours of working out no if ands or gluteus maximus about it and at least enough protein to equal half your body weight that is within 4 hours during and after workout, after that you will need another 48 to 60 grams of protein within the 24 hour period, when protein synthesis begins to fade which is on day 2 and 3 you can eat a normal serving of protein but slowly reduce your calorie in take on the second day, on day 3 eat a low calorie count this will automatically burn some fat and also perform cardio. Repeat the cycle described and you will not gain fat when building muscle.

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