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    Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Tom White @gymtoto, Sep 24, 2017.

    1. Tom White @gymtoto

      Tom White @gymtoto Moderator

      Sep 2016
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      I have trained for many years and get asked alot about how to get in shape and how to lose weight or get some muscle and how to do it.

      Lets get one thing clear from the beginning. There is no quick fix. There are so many companys with wonder devices and gadgets and pills all saying lose wight fast or put muscle on and things. These things are always advertised as a quick fix and get the body you want in weeks but in reality when you dont get the results you give it up and the new ab machine or bike gets put away to one day be sold with the advert only used once.
      Why did it not work for you?
      Its simple. You did not give it long enough.

      You will feel and see a difference within weeks of any new diet or training programme if you stick at it but you have to make it part of you lifestyle forever. You only get results and maintain them by keeping you plan going.
      Its realy this simple and this answer is what i give when i get asked whats the secret.

      Consistency over time gives you the results.

      Keep going you will be amazed what you can achieve for you body. Keep yourself motivated only you and no one else can do it. Love yourself and believe you can.


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